
How much is shipping and where do you ship to?
We offer free super-fast next working day delivery on orders over £150 excl VAT to England, Wales and Scotland (excluding Highlands and Islands). For orders under this amount the shipping charge is £7.50 plus VAT.
Do you offer Saturday delivery?
For orders over £150 there is a £4.99 per carton Saturday delivery charge. For orders under £150 it's £9.99 per carton. Prices are excluding VAT.
How do I track my order?
When your order is dispatched you will receive a shipping update email that includes tracking information. If you have supplied a phone number DPD will notify you via SMS on the morning of your delivery.
Can I get samples sent to me before I purchase?
Absolutely - have a browse of our full range and if there's anything that catches your eye get in touch by creating an account, and we'll organise samples.
Do you ship to Northern Ireland and Scottish Highlands?
Shipping to Northern Ireland can take 5-7 days. Please provide your registered XIERO number with us to prevent delays. For orders up to £349.99 there is a charge of £8.90 per carton. For orders over £350, you'll pay £4.50 per carton. Shipping to Offshore & Scottish Highlands is a two day service at £13.90 a carton.
Do you ship to Ireland?
We work with an amazing distributor in Ireland who can help you! Find out more here: decentpackaging.co.uk/pages/ireland or ask someone from the team.
Do you ship to Europe?
Yes! Please visit decentpackaging.eu or email hello@decentpackaging.eu for more information.
Do you offer custom branding?
Yes, we can custom brand products or create bespoke packaging solutions. Get in touch we'd love to help you and your business.


What is your returns policy?
We accept returns for all unopened and re-sellable stock within 14 days, no questions asked. If you're not happy with our products you can return it for a credit or exchange. There is a collection and re-stocking fee of £10 plus £5 per carton.
How do I return my order?
Simply follow the instructions on decentpackaging.co.uk/a/return or email us at orders@decentpackaging.co.uk

Need assistance?

If you wish to get in touch, send us an email or text – we'd love to hear from you.

Ordering made simple

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